Welcome to DakotaStrong

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Who We Are

DakotaStrong is a foundation created to help families financially that are facing a medical crisis. Through our own crisis, we have a testimony to share. Here, you will get to know the young woman, Dakota, who is the inspiration behind our movement. We hope that we can help you become DakotaStrong!

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What We Do

DakotaStrong, Inc is dedicated to helping families facing financial hardships during an unexpected medical crisis. We know firsthand how toiling it can be when care is needed for loved ones while also being burdened with the costs of that care. It is our goal to help meet those needs so all of the families’ support, love, and time can be given to loved ones while they fight and mend.

DakotaStrong is a 501(c)(3) organization that uses charitable donations to aid in the support of these families. While we realized that we cannot meet every need for every family, it is our goal to provide as much financial assistance as we can to those in need. Thank you for stopping by to see what we are all about. It's our vision to span the globe and provide assistance and help families become #DakotaStrong!

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Meet Dakota!

Dakota is a smart, talented, and STRONG young lady who faced a medical crisis head on with her family and faith. Explore her story from symptoms to diagnosis, from surgery to recovery.

It’s her story, her gift, her testimony

Heal me, O LORD, and I shall be healed; Save me, and I shall be saved, For You are my praise.
— Jeremiah 17:14